LIMA - The Lima Exchange Club went right to the potential victims Thursday in its continued effort to combat child abuse.
Freedom Elementary School second- through fourth-graders watched a video teaching them there is a "Time to Tell" if someone is abusing them. Third-grader Nathaniel Green had heard the message before, but listened again on Thursday.
"It is all right to tell when someone is hurting you, making you feel unsafe or touching you the wrong way," the 9-year-old said.
The Exchange Club began the program last year and will be at Liberty Elementary School next week. Allen County Children Services staff helped facilitate a discussion following the video.
Allegations of sexual abuse are responsible for most of the reports her agency receives each month, said Jackie Loescher.
"It is an issue that constantly confronts our children in our community," she said.
The Exchange Club offers many activities that promote child safety to adults, program chairwoman Brook Elrod said, but the club wanted to do something just for children. It's important, she said, because many times children don't tell an adult about a problem because they consider it tattling.
The video followed a girl who sees her brother acting differently. She has a dream where two frogs teach her about standing up for herself, reminding her that children always have the right to tell when someone older makes them feel bad. She convinces her brother to tell their mother that his soccer coach is abusing him.
Pupils discussed the video and signed a pledge reading, "I am somebody. I have the right to be safe from harm. I have the right to tell." It is the same pledge signed by the siblings in the video.
The program isn't going to put an end to child abuse, Loescher said, but reaching just a few children makes it worthwhile.
"We just hope that one or two children realize this shouldn't be happening," she said. "And walk up to a teacher or pastor or friend of mom and tell them something is not going right in my house."
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