Wednesday, May 13, 2009

The Doctor’s Role in Protecting Children

In today’s 18 and Under column, pediatrician Perri Klass addresses the role of the pediatrician in detecting and fighting child abuse. Dr. Klass writes:

I had just started out in practice when one day I examined a little boy, maybe 4 years old, and discovered around his neck the clear mark of a noose. I asked him what had happened; he said he didn’t know. I asked his mother; she said she didn’t know, but it was the fault of her ex-husband. I had to tell her I was filing a report with the Department of Social Services — the child had clearly suffered an inflicted injury.

Read Dr. Klass’s full essay, “The Marks of Childhood or the Marks of Abuse?” Then post your comments and questions below. What is the responsibility of the doctor in protecting children from abuse? Dr. Klass will be available this week to answer your questions.
